Reflection in Usrah Budi 1, 2, 3, 4


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My Journey and Our Journey Together

First experience for involving myself in circumstance that need for our cooperation and full attention in discussing or voicing our own opinion to certain issues. 

Firstly when i join the class, we do some activities related to ourselves, about our informations. The naqibah ask us to give our full name, what is our attire that people mostly unseen but it identify us and state the most thing that we scared, or we seem to uncomfortable with. For my opinion, other than it give us more ukhwah towards each other, it is also make our self-esteem higher than usual, because due that we comfortable with each other. Then we have to write it on piece of paper, fold it and change with other people and try to guess where exactly the person that we actually read the piece of paper that we got. Fortunately, mine got correct because my observation on people is higher than talking to point out my character or opinion. There is two people who got incorrectly but its okay, at least we laugh and have a good moment on that day 

The next week, we meet again and do our usual usrah, but we got new friends, instead of 8 people in the beginning, our class expand to 18 people, including the naqibah. It more fun and enjoyable, we sit in the circle and get to know each of them as we do exactly the same activity as our first class, but the addition is we have to create a group of pair, to make an infographic, mine is "The Power Of Gratitude ".

Furthermore, in another week, we have to understand the ayah from surah Al-Baqarah, verse 30-39, related to our topic on that day, which is about Khalifah. We also need to find the responsibity/purpose of khalifah in this world and state our opinion based on our finding related to the topic.

On 2 April 2019, we recite surah Al-Hajj verse 1 - 14, its give us knowledge about the different between believers, disbelievers and hypocrite person in this world. Believers, who believe in the Almighty Allah s.w.t, and do exactly He ask us to do and leave what exactly He ask us to leave, amar ma'ruf nahi munkar which our source informations all from al-Quran and as-Sunnah. This people totally different from the disbelievers, where they completely ignore Allah's command in this earth. While the hypocrite, they are pretender, a person who in public and in community shows that he is a Muslim but rejects Islam or propagate against it either in his heart or among enemies of Islam.



-       Surah Al-‘Ankabuut verse 45 (Solat)

Bacalah serta ikutlah (wahai Muhammad) akan apa yang diwahyukan kepadamu dari Al-Quran, dan dirikanlah sembahyang (dengan tekun); sesungguhnya sembahyang itu mencegah dari perbuatan yang keji dan mungkar; dan sesungguhnya mengingati Allah adalah lebih besar (faedahnya dan kesannya); dan (ingatlah) Allah mengetahui akan apa yang kamu kerjakan.

[ Hikmah yang terdapat dalam surah di atas adalah mendirikan solat adalah rukun wajib tertera di dalam rukun Islam dan ianya juga wajib dilakukan oleh seluruh umat Islam di seantero dunia. Dengan mendirikan solat, ianya dapat mencegah kita dari perbuatan keji dan mungkar selain menjadikan kita seorang muslim yang sentiasa memperbaiki akhlak, iman dan juga kehidupan dunia dan akhirat. ]

-       Surah Al-Baqarah verse 183 (Sawm)

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Kamu diwajibkan berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang yang dahulu daripada kamu, supaya kamu bertaqwa.

[ Hikmah yang terdapat dalam surah di atas adalah berpuasa adalah  wajib bagi seluruh muslim melainkan atas sebab-sebab tertentu yang tidak dapat dihindarkan seperti sakit dan sebagainya. Menjalankan puasa juga dapat meningkatkan ketakwaan kita kepada Allah SWT, disamping membawa banyak kebaikan ke atas tubuh badan kita. ]

-       Surah At-Taubah verse 103 (Zakat)

Ambilah (sebahagian) dari harta mereka menjadi sedekah (zakat), supaya dengannya engkau membersihkan mereka (dari dosa) dan mensucikan mereka (dari akhlak yang buruk); dan doakanlah untuk mereka, kerana sesungguhnya doamu itu menjadi ketenteraman bagi mereka. Dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui

[ Hikmah yang terdapat dalam surah di atas adalah bersedekah (zakat) adalah satu perbuatan membersihkan diri daripada dosa, akhlak yang buruk disamping menolong golongan fakir miskin yang memerlukan pertolongan atas kedaifan hidup mereka. ]

-       Surah Al-Baqarah verse 197 (Hajj)

(    Masa untuk mengerjakan ibadat) Haji itu ialah beberapa bulan yang termaklum. Oleh yang demikian sesiapa yang telah mewajibkan dirinya (dengan niat mengerjakan) ibadat Haji itu, maka tidak boleh mencampuri isteri, dan tidak boleh membuat maksiat, dan tidak boleh bertengkar, dalam masa mengerjakan ibadat Haji. Dan apa jua kebaikan yang kamu kerjakan adalah diketahui oleh Allah; dan hendaklah kamu membawa bekal dengan cukupnya kerana sesungguhnya sebaik-baik bekal itu ialah memelihara diri (dari keaiban meminta sedekah); dan bertaqwalah kepadaKu wahai orang-orang yang berakal (yang dapat memikir dan memahaminya).

[ Hikmah yang terdapat dalam surah di atas adalah Haji adalah ibadah yang hanya dilakukan oleh bulan-bulan yang telah ditentukan seperti bulan Syawal, Zulkaedah, 10 hari bulan pertama Zulhijjah. Ibadah Haji adalah ibadah wajib bagi yang mampu dimana semasa melakukan ibadah, haruslah diri sendiri menghindari daripada berbuat maksiat dan hanya fokuskan diri dalam mengerjakan ibadah sahaja. ]


Summarize of Lesson 2 

In summary, Allah always mention that a true believer, Mu’min, who always do everything with kind hearted and Allah please with them, He promise that they will enter the Jannah and enjoy great happiness for being there. And also in Quran being mentioned that, for those who already tawbah, and repent on all of their sins, and obeying the instructions of Allah, which is Amar Makruf Nahi Mungkar, those people’s past evil sins, will be erased. Furthermore, in this lesson mention about ‘Ibād Al-Raḥmān means that those human that aware the power of Allah SWT and fulfill Allah rights as their Creator, who stand strong for their religion, Islam, that Allah also pleased with them. This ‘Ibād Al-Raḥmān have the personality of the one who always have perfect behaviour(who always being gentle towards others, be humble etc), always observe his connection with Allah (avoid shirk and other major sins, always perform Qiamullail) and always ask Allah for forgiveness(Istighfar). The example of peron who ‘Ibād Al-Raḥmān are the prophets, siddiqin, shuhada, salihin.

REFLECTION ON USRAH BUDI 3                     

Reflection that I can get from the lesson on Usrah Budi 3 classes, where there are 5 groups that will sharing their knowledges about Asbabul Nuzul for surah and the tafseer behind the surah.

For Group 1, they presented about Surah An-Nas

Asbabun Nuzul for Surah An-Nas, is where this surah is for we seeking refuge in Allah SWT.

This Surah was revealed in Mecca most probably during the early days of Muhammad’s proclamation of his Prophethood. There is a difference of opinion as some commentators of the Quran say that this Surah was revealed in Madina. However, as stated earlier in previous Surah summaries, God kept reminding different previously revealed Surahs to Prophet whenever some event or incident required their repetition.

The tafseer of Surah An-Nas

For Group 2, they presented about Surah Al-Luqman verse 17

Asbabun nuzul for this surah specifically for verse 17 is Allah SWT importance of the prayer, performing it and nurturing our children upon it.

After mentioning the crucial issues of tawhid and being conscious of Allah, Luqman advises his son with that which will help him in achieving this closeness to Allah.

The prayer is the most thing after tawhid. It is the connection between us and Allah, the time where we seek contentment in His remembrance and the place where we have a conversation with Him. It is the weapon which wards off evil and the first thing Allah will ask us about on the Day of Judgement.

The tafseer of Surah Al-Luqman verse 17 :

For Group 3, they presented about Surah Al-Mulk

Asbabun nuzul for Surah Al-Mulk is indicated that it begins with a presentation on the power of knowledge of Allah SWT, the power and His established administrative system according to His provisions. This surah has total 30 verses in it.

For Group 4, they presented about Surah Al-Ikhlas

Asbabun nuzul for Surah Al-Ikhlas is this letter which consists of four verses includes the Makkiyah letter. Why is it called Surat Al Ikhlas when there is no word al ikhlas in it? Because al-ikhlas is tawhid, only to Him. And this letter contains the main points of monotheism. This letter that was sent down in Makkah after Surat Al Falaq and Annas is also called Surat Qul huwallaahu ahad. Taken from the first verse of this letter. 

Asbabun nuzul Surat al-Ikhlas has a great meaning. Asbabun nuzul Surat al-Ikhlas affirms the oneness of Allah SWT. At that time, the Quraish disbelievers questioned the essence of God who was worshiped by the Prophet Muhammad. when his journey from Mecca to Medina he was followed by a suraqoh ordered the member of Quraysh to kill him. With perseverance, Suroqoh finally caught up with the Messenger of Allah on his way to Medina. When he saw the Prophet clearly, he immediately drew his sword at the prophet. Spontaneously, the horse on which Suroqoh was riding fell and fell backwards.

Then he asked the Prophet for help while calling out, "Muhammad, help me. In fact, he asked for peace and promised not to repeat his actions. However, after Rasulullah SAW helped him, he rushed to draw his sword again. But when the tip of his sword was about to hit Rasulullah, he suddenly fell and fell back.

He also asked for help from him again. Rasulullah also helped him. After being helped, he again drew his weapon and said, "O Muhammad, explain to me about your Lord. How does He have such strength, is your God made of gold or silver?

Finding Suroqoh's question, the Prophet bowed his head. Then the Angel Jibril came with a revelation from Allah SWT in answer to Suroqoh's question earlier. So Surat al-Ikhlas came down as a response to what Suroqoh asked.

The tafseer of Surah Al-Ikhlas:

For Group 5, they presented about Surah Al-Qadr

Asbabun Nuzul for Surah Al-Qadr is this Surah was revealed in Mecca most probably during the early days of Muhammad’s proclamation of his Prophethood. There is a difference of opinion as some commentators of the Quran say that this Surah was revealed in Madina. In the opinion of Ibn Abbas, lbn Az Zubair and Aishah Prophet’s wife, this Surah was revealed at Makkah. The subject matter and length of verses also showing that it resembles with that of Meccan Surah.
The Surah is famous for its information concerning the Night of Power, during which the Quran was first revealed.  This is unanimously considered to have happened during a blessed night in the month of Ramadan, as stated in Quran 2:185 and 44:3.  Muslims believe that the Night of decree comes every year during the last ten nights of Ramadan, mostly believed to occurs on one of the odd numbered of these last ten nights.


For Usrah Budi 4, there are many challenging situation happened due to Covid-19 and all of us need to conducted and learned by online class. But there is still comfortable with sharing session and all the add-on information that our Naqibah and friends being discussing in every session of class. It is just sad that we can't do this Usrah Budi session physically, and get to know our friends and Naqibah more.

In class, there is one time that we share about the topic, which is "THE DISEASE OF EYE-SIGHT/ AIN ILLNESS/EVIL EYE". In this session, what we do are all of us which divided by 5 groups take parturn to do and present the topic related to the whole class and discuss further about the experience that some of our friends have faces this issues. We also sharing many motivated quotes and giving advices to do and don't to prevent the Ain Illness. Below is the slides that i want to share regarding of our presentation in the class.

